Wednesday, March 1, 2023

2 Years N.E.D.

We happened to be in Grand Teton National park on March 1, 2022 - my one year NED anniversary (no evidence of disease). We decided to make a tradition out of it, and spend every March 1 in a different national park.

This year‘s NED anniversary brought to you by Zion national Park in Utah. No evidence of disease x 2 years. Take that, breast cancer. 

2 long, fear-filled, anxiety ridden years. But as far as I know, the cancer left with my breasts two years ago, and has been gone since. As far as I know, and that’s as far as I can go. So onward to adventures celebrating life in beautiful places, one year and one national park at a time. 

Grateful to be here today, with @beewood17 by my side, ready to stave off breast cancer for another year. 

#twoyearsned #fuckbreastcancer #ihavelobularbreastcancer#youngwithcancer #doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction#noboobsnoproblem #notputtingonashirt #gratitude#keeplivinglife #zionnationalpark #angelslanding #doepicshit#optoutside #nottodaycancer #fuckcancer #fuckmenopause#stillaliveandkicking #takethatcancer #cancercansuckit

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