Sunday, June 26, 2022

In Honor of Leigh Pate


Today I am devastated at the news that LBCA co-founder Leigh Pate has died. Without this fierce and tireless advocate, the organization I turned to in my most scared and vulnerable moments would not exist. 

Thank you so much for starting this Leigh - I know you personally helped so many women on this journey, and your advice about advocacy was invaluable to me. We will carry the torch in your honor from here. 

Please consider a donation to this wonderful organization in honor of Leigh.

#lobularbreastcanceralliance #lobularbreastcancer#breastcanceradvocacy
#fuckcancer #somanylost

Sunday, June 5, 2022

National Cancer Survivors Day

 Holding space and love for all my fellow cancer survivors on this #nationalcancersurvivorday 

My oncologist told me one day I'd wake up and not think about breast cancer at all. I anxiously await that day, but only a year out, it still eludes me. In the meantime, I survive, and do my best to thrive. Sometimes I go hours without thinking about breast cancer, and I am so grateful for those times. 

Keep up the advocacy, awareness, and sharing the truth about cancer, wherever you are on your journey. 

#lobularbreastcancer #fuckbreastcancer#nationalcancersurvivorsday #breastcancersurvivor#breastcancerawareness#doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction #flatandfabulous#noboobsnoproblem #myboobstriedtokillme #cancersurvivor#triathletewithcancer #teamshestrong #fuckmenopause#estrogenreceptorpositive #ihavelobularbreastcancer#lobularneedsresearch

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Officially a Lobular Breast Cancer Advocate; Sikora Lab @ CU


I think I can now officially call myself a lobular breast cancer advocate. 

With a generous micro-grant from BCCRF, we hosted a #lobularbreastcancer event at CU Anschutz yesterday, featuring a clinical oncologist and a basic science researcher focused on ILC. Some shocking stats here, including that ILC dedicated research accounts for 0.5% of all breast cancer research published each year, despite representing 10-15% of cases. We can do better. Thanks to researchers like Matt Sikora PhD, we will. You can check out his work at 

Thank you to BCCRF, #cucancercenter#lobularbreastcanceralliance and to all those who came in person to attend. 

YouTube link:

#breastcanceradvocacy #ihavelobularbreastcancer#breastcancerresearch #invasivelobularcarcinoma#breastcancereducation

January 27, 2021 - Four Years in Cancerland

  January 27, 2021 - a day like any other day. A wednesday. There was snow. I still had the steri-strips over my biopsy site, where they had...