Sunday, June 5, 2022

National Cancer Survivors Day

 Holding space and love for all my fellow cancer survivors on this #nationalcancersurvivorday 

My oncologist told me one day I'd wake up and not think about breast cancer at all. I anxiously await that day, but only a year out, it still eludes me. In the meantime, I survive, and do my best to thrive. Sometimes I go hours without thinking about breast cancer, and I am so grateful for those times. 

Keep up the advocacy, awareness, and sharing the truth about cancer, wherever you are on your journey. 

#lobularbreastcancer #fuckbreastcancer#nationalcancersurvivorsday #breastcancersurvivor#breastcancerawareness#doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction #flatandfabulous#noboobsnoproblem #myboobstriedtokillme #cancersurvivor#triathletewithcancer #teamshestrong #fuckmenopause#estrogenreceptorpositive #ihavelobularbreastcancer#lobularneedsresearch

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