Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Today's Adventure in Cancerland: The Rheumatologist

 Today’s adventure in breast cancer mitigation: a trip to the rheumatologist. To talk about osteoporosis. 

I left with the parting gift of a jug to collect 24 hours of urine, to measure how much calcium I’m excreting. I’m already taking calcium supplements, I’m already exercising, I’m already on a bisphosphenate. The vitamin D supplements are working, doubling my levels in 8 months.

In short, there isn’t much more I can do to stave off further bone loss, or to prevent fractures. I did leave with some reassuring news that even with osteoporosis, my underlying bones are probably still strong, and I won’t fracture as easily as an 80 year old with osteoporosis. 

A lot of the time lately I feel 80. I wake up with pain in my hands and feet, and stumble around like the Tin Man needing to be oiled. I’m glad to know I won’t imminently break into pieces. 

The rheumatologist also told me I could keep doing short races, and limited running. We drew the arbitrary line between exercise risk and benefit somewhere between 70.3 and 140.6 miles. I told her I wanted to do one more full Ironman, just to prove that I can after breast cancer, and she didn’t say no. 

Ironman Alaska 2022 here I come. One more epic day, one more epic triathlon adventure. I won’t ever be racing in Kona, and I’m at peace with it. I’m just happy to know I can still swim and bike, and that I can do shorter races. Exercise can and should continue to be my therapy, both for osteoporosis and for my medication side effects. The rheumatologist astutely said she did not want to take away my joy, and she did not. 

24 hour urine collection commencing…. 

#lobularbreastcancer #breastcancersurvivor#triathletewithcancer #osteoporosisawareness #osteoporosis#fuckosteoporosis #fuckbreastcancer#doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction#youngwomenwithbreastcancer #estrogenreceptorpositive#aromataseinhibitor #aromataseinhibitorssideeffects#surgicalmenopause

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