Thursday, March 4, 2021

Post-Op Day 3

 We scored a free treadmill that has been a lifesaver for getting me moving. Walking feels like heaven.

Plastic drains tunneling under your skin and sucking out fluid feel less heavenly. They have to stay in until the output drops below 20cc in 24 hours x 2. These things are damn painful. My left arm, where 4 lymph nodes were removed, feels swollen, tight, and like a small evil elf is stabbing me in the armpit. Other than that, the pain has been minimal.

I flat out cried when I took off the bandages and saw the Frankenstein-esque remains of my body. I am grateful the tumor is gone; I am sad about the carved up remains of my self. Every time I look, it gets a little easier. 

Next up: awaiting the pathology of my lymph nodes that will determine whether I need radiation. Awaiting further testing of the sample for an oncotype score that will determine whether I need chemotherapy. Hoping the drains can come out next week. Trying to keep up with walking, healthy food, hydration, and gentle stretching. Working hard to slow down my body and my brain, neither of which likes to be slow. 

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