Monday, March 1, 2021

Home After Mastectomy

Still feeling a little loopy from the meds, but not in a lot of pain (probably because the nerve blocks haven’t worn off). 

Using my race belt to hold my JP drains in homemade pockets. Using a wedge pillow to make a nest for sleeping upright. Taking scheduled Tylenol and ibuprofen like a good patient. Staying hydrated with amazing juices from @poppiesforprince 

Thank you all for checking in on me, and more importantly on @beewood17 who needed it today. Thank you to my amazing surgeon, anesthesiologists, and nurses. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted, and even though surgery doesn’t cure cancer, I sure am glad we got that fucker Ted removed. At least I have some peace knowing that it’s not sitting there, spewing micrometastases into my other organs, and the primary tumor is gone. 

Now time for rest, recovery, dealing with drain output, and sleeping upright. Physical therapy, stretching, and moving so I can back to my new normal as quickly as possible.

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