Monday, February 22, 2021

Mastectomy Physical Therapy

 The sickly lime green walls of another medical office - this time a mastectomy physical therapist for pre-hab before my operation.
I learned I can’t prevent lymphedema (swelling on the side they remove my lymph nodes), what cording is (when your lymphatics stiffen into taught guitar strings of fibrotic tissue), and some stretches I can do to regain my range of motion. She took measurements of my arm girth so she’ll know if they swell post-op. 

Then I did my own damn workout on my bike because I already have good range of motion, exercise habits, and a stubborn AF attitude. Thankful to have found a PT that specializes in mastectomy care, and thankful to be cranking out the watts on the trainer too. Every little bit of strength now is a deposit in the bank for later. 

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