Thursday, February 18, 2021

Genetics Testing Results

In medical school, I loved pathology. I thought the slides of different cells looked like artwork, some sort of abstract impressionism of proteins, membranes, and the cellular building blocks of life. This is a slide of what lobular breast cancer looks like. 

Some good news today: negative for BRCA1/2 and Chek2 mutations - meaning the rest of my female organs besides my left breast are not actively trying to kill me with cancer (at least not at any more than the general female population). This means I don’t have to rush out and get a hysterectomy/oopherectomy, and this means I can breathe a small sigh of relief for my daughter. 

10 day countdown to mastectomy. Still going for the double even without the mutations, because those lobular cancer cells like to show up on the other side. Pre-op for anesthesia done, Covid screening test scheduled, and puppy arrangements made. Now we wait. Waiting is intolerably hard for me. So is occupying my brain for 10 days. 

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