Saturday, June 8, 2024

Half-Ironman #19 - Still kicking after cancer.

Redemption! After my mechanical bike disaster in Hawaii last week, I felt like there was some unfinished business. Ironman Boulder 70.3 - signed up yesterday, raced sleep deprived and after a week a sea level. 

My 19th 1/2 Ironman since 2016. My slowest of 5 times doing this race - and I’m ok with that. My body has been through hell these past 3 years, I’m still on cancer drugs, and I’ve aged 30 years in that time. It’s ok to be a little slower for now, and maybe there’s no going back, but I can still show up and finish 70.3 miles and that’s enough for today. 

And in case I didn’t say it loud enough, fuck cancer.

@smashfestqueen @team.vpa @fxckcancer@fxckcancerenduranceclub

#teamsfq2024 #vegantriathlete #fuckbreastcancer #letrozole#verzenio #fuckmenopause #cancercantstopme#triathletewithcancer #boulder70point3 #ironman703#doepicshit

January 27, 2021 - Four Years in Cancerland

  January 27, 2021 - a day like any other day. A wednesday. There was snow. I still had the steri-strips over my biopsy site, where they had...