Saturday, January 27, 2024

3 year cancerversary

 3 years ago today I got the call no one wants; I heard the words “it IS cancer.” Nothing has been the same in my world since.

Grateful to spend this 3 year cancerversary with my favorite humans in a cool place @marconimuseum raising money for @runway4recovery - we got fancy, we walked the runway, we cried, and we heard moving stories. (My runway dress courtesy of @poshsocietyhb ).

It was a small way to honor and support the 800 women who heard the C word today for the first time (800 women are diagnosed every day in the US w #breastcancer ). Thank you @beewood17 for walking by my side, and to everyone who watched from home and supported this incredible organization that makes direct financial grants to breast cancer patients.

#cancerversary #3years #fuckcancer#fuckbreastcancer #breastcancer#raisingmoneyforpatients#thisisbreastcancer#flatandfabulous#flattie

January 27, 2021 - Four Years in Cancerland

  January 27, 2021 - a day like any other day. A wednesday. There was snow. I still had the steri-strips over my biopsy site, where they had...