Friday, July 29, 2022

Zometa #3

Zometa infusion #3 of 6 - probably a dumb idea to do this 9 days before an Ironman, but some things are more important than triathlon. 

Things like preventing bone metastases. Things like slowing the process of osteoporosis so that I don’t get a stress fracture running a marathon. The first infusion was a doozy; number two was less awful, but still felt like getting run over by a truck. Hoping some Tylenol, Allegra, and pre infusion hydration will help this one hurt less. 

Once again the fallout of breast cancer and the side effects of treatment are unavoidable and ever present, even in the midst of our upcoming Alaskan adventure chaos. 

First time at @rockymountaincancercenters for my infusion and so grateful to be here with pleasant nurses, a welcoming infusion center, and efficient staff. 

Thank you as always to @beewood17 for being by my side.

#fuckbreastcancer #ihavelobularbreastcancer#lobularbreastcancer #fuckmenopause#aromataseinhibitorsideeffects #fuckosteoporosis#triathletewithcancer #zoledronicacid #zometainfusion#metastasisprevention #rockymountaincancercenter

January 27, 2021 - Four Years in Cancerland

  January 27, 2021 - a day like any other day. A wednesday. There was snow. I still had the steri-strips over my biopsy site, where they had...