Sunday, May 1, 2022

One Year Ago - The Day the Letrozole Started

May 1, 2021 - the day I started letrozole. 

May 1, 2022 - the day low back pain almost made me cry in the pool. 

Menopause is no joke. Aromatase inhibitors are no joke. I’ve aged at least 15 years in the last 365 days. 

The slow and steady decline in my fitness, strength, and flexibility might not be inevitable if I had some estrogen left, or the ability to make any. But the scorched earth that remains of my endocrine system is entirely without it - and what remains is a fragile, decaying shell of what my body once was. 

Yet still, I swim. I ride my bike. I desperately cling to the rituals and hobbies that made me happy before all of this crap. 

I haven’t missed a single dose of the poison that is keeping my cancer at bay, but I hate it more and more each day. Four more years, or maybe six, or maybe nine - no one knows the magic treatment duration. Just that I should take it as long as I can tolerate it. 

One year done…

#fuckbreastcancer #lobularbreastcancer #aromataseinhibitor#breastcancer #surgicalmenopause #letrozole #ihatethisdrug#doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction

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