Tuesday, March 1, 2022

One Year N.E.D. - I love Ned.


(No Evidence of Disease)

One year ago today, I rolled into an operating room and had my breasts removed - and hopefully, all of my cancer with them. 

One year later, I can say I have No Evidence of Disease - recent scans look clear, no looming symptoms on the horizon to evaluate, no scary lumps or bumps to work up. No evidence of disease. 

The Sword of Damocles will hang over my head, at least until 2036, when I can breathe a sigh at 15 years that maybe, just maybe, that fucking cancer is gone and isn’t coming back. Until then, each day is a gift and a blessing not to be wasted. 

Celebrating today’s NED anniversary with my amazing husband @beewood17 and puppies in Grand Teton NP (ironically celebrating no longer having Grand Tetons) - snowshoeing, hiking, kissing, and laughing…as it should always be. 

This hasn’t been the easiest year, and certainly not the best, but I’ve learned so much about myself, my priorities, my circle of people, and how I want to be in the world. Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far. One year down, fourteen to go…

#ihavelobularbreastcancer #lobularbreastcancer #oneyearned#nocancerhere #doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction#noboobsnoproblem #flatandfabulous #fuckbreastcancer#grandtetonnationalpark #snowshoes #breastcancerrecovery#breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerwarrior

Aromatase Inhibitors, the "Hormone Blocker": 3 years on....

In my patient support groups and online social breast cancer circles, I read many comments a day asking about whom has chosen to take these,...