Saturday, February 26, 2022

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma - The Stepchild of Breast Cancers

 It's never fun to be in the "other", "rarer", "more aggressive" category of breast cancers - that is, lobular breast cancer, the kind I have. It represents around 15% of breast cancers, but is often overlooked in its unique features that require different tools for diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance. 

The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance's mission is to bring attention to LBC as a distinct disease, and to guide more research efforts towards its specific pathology. Here's a link to a short video that explains what we do and why we're doing it. Please consider supporting LBCAs mission.

#ihavelobularbreastcancer #lobularbreastcancer#lobularbreastcanceralliance #lobularbreastcancerawareness#breastcancerawareness #breastcancersurvivor#estrogenreceptorpositive

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