Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 in Medals and Numbers

314,504 y (205 miles) of swimming

517 miles of running
3057 miles of biking

3 sprint triathlons, 1 Olympic, 3 70.3s including back to back week races, and a 5k.

All of that with a month off for a double mastectomy, a second laparoscopic abdominal surgery, surgical menopause, and some crappy medications. Wow. 

This past year was definitely the worst of my life so far. Exercise, training, and setting and smashing goals were the physical glue that held me together. To even make it to the starting line of a race held me together mentally. 

One year ago January, breast cancer stormed into my life. My oncologist told me the best thing I could do to prevent it from coming back was to exercise. Mission accomplished. From pre-surgical strength training to post operative daily walking and PT, I haven’t given up on this body yet. 

Loads of thanks to @biscaycoaching @lesliemillertri who supported me during this journey, and to @withoutlimitsco@bbsctri @ironmantri @shestronginc for giving me the opportunity to recover through racing. 

@beewood17 none of this would be possible without you. Thank you for your patience, care, generosity, thoughtfulness, and most of all your love. Here’s to setting and smashing more goals this year!

#teamsfq #teamvpa #teamshestrong #smashfestqueen#quintanarootri #brooksrunning #truetreadmill #pickybars#tailwindtrailblazer #breastcancerwarrior #fuckbreastcancer#lobularbreastcancer #triathletewithcancer#breastcancerrecovery#doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction#noboobsnoproblem #setgoalssmashgoals #swimbikerun#gratitude #gratefultriathlete

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