Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Biopsies - The Gifts that Keep on Giving

This week’s adventure in breast cancer: another biopsy, this time of a weird thing in my mouth. Simple local anesthesia with a fat lip for a few hours. 

This is almost certainly nothing. But when you are an academic physician with access to PubMed, you read a lot of things you probably shouldn’t - including case reports on intra-oral metastasis from cancer. It’s rare, but it does happen. I wish I did not know this, but I do. 

Also this week - blood tests and tumor markers. Everything is looking stable so far and my oncology appointment on Friday will hopefully be a reassuring one. 

Thank you all for the good vibes, they certainly are working!

#lobularbreastcancer #estrogenpositivebreastcancer #biopsy#entdoctor #fuckbreastcancer #breastcancersurveillance#ithasbeenalongweekalready #waitingforpathology

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