Thursday, October 21, 2021

"Well, you look great."


I know they mean well. I know they’re trying to be positive. But “well, you look great” is starting to irritate me as a response to my breast cancer. 

I do not feel great. I feel old, I feel scared, I feel loss. I look fine on the outside, but my insides are hurting. 

No races on the calendar, no workout plan this week - a self chosen trail run today to nourish my soul. Because I need to be in nature, and I need to keep moving. 

Exercise, mindfulness, healthy food, sleep - even with all of these things, I am struggling, because cancer survivorship is a struggle. Even though I look like I have my shit together on the outside. 

So even if you mean well, please don’t tell me I look great. Just tell me you’re there to support me if I need it, or that you hope this is the end of my cancer fight. 

#fuckbreastcancer #lobularbreastcancer#doublemastectomywithoutreconstruction#flattiesofinstagram #breastcancerawareness#breastcancersurvivor #fuckmenopause #surgicalmenopause#menopausesucks

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