Saturday, May 29, 2021

Two Months into Menopause

Some days are hard: breast cancer is the first thing I think of when I wake up, and like an unwelcome visitor, refuses to leave. 

Other days, I wake up and do what I love, and hours pass before the visitor rears it’s ugly head. Yesterday was one of those days. 

My first ride outside on the tri bike this year, and my first 60 miler. It was heaven - fresh air, sunshine, feeling strong and fast. 

In a different universe, I’d be deep into training for Ironman Coeur d’Alene, pushing my watts, and prepping for 140.6 miles of racing. In my new universe, there’s an unwelcome visitor - but some days, it sits quietly off to the side and doesn’t make its presence felt. I love those days. 

Three months since mastectomy, two since oophorectomy. In menopause, on an aromatase inhibitor (hormone therapy) for ten years - this isn’t exactly where I thought I’d be right now, but life is full of curve balls and unanticipated challenges. 

I’m so thankful for days like these, for what my body can still do, for the reminder to cherish every single moment. Grateful for a cold Diet Coke and some salty Fritos after 60 miles. Falling in love with my #quintanarootri bike again, and grateful for the chance to race next week. Oh, and #fuckbreastcancer 

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