Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Let’s talk about mastectomy recovery

I opted not to have reconstruction, so came home without implants or expanders, just 2 drains. I started walking immediately, worked on range of motion right away to get my shoulders and arms moving, and started PT two weeks post op. 

Mastectomy physical therapy has been integral in my recovery- I see a PT who specializes in taking care of women like me. She works on my scars, my range of motion, and gives me exercises to do at home. It has sped up my functioning and decreased my pain - I am so thankful to be going every week. 

I’ve had to re-learn how to use my shoulders and arms to account for tight scars with less skin, how to move in space without breasts (it’s harder than you’d think after having them for 30+ years), and how to use exercise for rehabilitation instead of just plain fun. 

2 complications that can arise afterwards: cording and lymphedema. These happen if lymph nodes are removed, and even though I only had 7 taken, my left arm is clearly having issues rerouting my lymphatics so it gets swollen and firm - lymphedema. 

No one is sure exactly why it happens only sometimes, but it is not uncommon. Lots of conflicting data about having blood draws/BP checks, flying, saunas, compression - most women just deal with it. I’ve been wearing a compression sleeve that seems to help, as does manual lymphatic drainage (manually rerouting your own lymphatics to help your body figure out how to do it). It seems to be getting better. 

Cording is a different beast - thin tight bands of connective tissue or lymph tissue (again, no one really knows) that can form from the armpit to the wrist. You can literally pluck it like a guitar string, and holy hell they hurt. PT has taught me how to mobilize the tissue around the cords and to stretch them gently so they hurt less. I’m told they’ll go away eventually. I hope that is soon. 

Six weeks post op I can finally put my arms above my head without difficulty and take my shirts off without a second thought. It has taken a lot of work to get here, and I’m so grateful for all of the help. 

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